The cycle of workmanship under described is that with the plant to continuous cycle. Other systems of workmanship, based for example on the traditional method, use a process diverged in the varied phases.

The workmanship begins by putting the olives into a particular kind of cassettes. Olives are of significant weight, thus their eqal distribution in a cassettes is crucial towards preventing them from a harmful processes of fermentation.

The olives come therefore being introduced in a first grading machine that allows elimination of present foliage. From there, they have voided in a tub of harvest from which they go to the tubular elevator to cochlea, that introduces them in a second tub. This, together to the other grading machine, present in the tub of washing of the olives (the "washer"), provides for the complete and definitive separation of the fruits from the foliage of harvest.

In exit, the washer has connected to a tubular elevator, through which the olives are municipal to the real process of grinding. At first they come shatter with the "crusher to mobile grate" that creates the "pasta of olives" . This is introduced in one of three tubs, each from the ability of 6 Quintal (the ability of the tubs changes in relationship to the model of the machine).

Having spent around an hour in the tubs of a temperature that doesn't overcome 30 Cº, the "pasta of olives" goes to the "Decanter" (cfr. Fig. 1), that works a first separation between the "sansa" and the olive oil.

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