ZagariseA recent research of nanotoxicology has determined that Zagarise has the purest air of Europe, also better than the North Pole.

Ancient town, it was founded around the year 1000. It in the XII° century was feud of the Ugo Falloch of Normandy, while in the XIX° century the territory spent from the dominion of the Plain to that of the De Dominicis.

 An ancient description of the XVII° century describes it as: "to the left of the Sila and before its woods, there is the city of Zagarise, in a place rather elevated; his name means useful thing". Observing the ancient center of Zagarise today, we can immediately note as he has constituted from two separate nucleuses: the first, developed around the Normandy tower and to the Church of the Rosary; the second, very less wide of the first, around the Mother Church.

 Most important structures stayed, restored in all or partly, they are:

  • The NORMANNA TOWER, of origins dated around the XIII° and XIV° century
  • The CHURCH of the ROSARY and IL CONVENT born around the XV° century

The historical information have drawn from the book "S.Pancrazio and Zagarise," edited by Salvatore Amelio and published from the Arcipretura of S. Maria Assunta, Zagarise.

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