Oiland S.a.s. di Pietro Catizzone & C. Via Feruli, 12 88050 Zagarise (CZ) Italy

By Car: arriving from the highway Salerno-Reggio Calabria, take the exit of Lamezia Terme and go toward Catanzaro. Arriving to Catanzaro, go to Sila direction taking the provincial road for Magisano then.

Go therefore toward S. Pietro Magisano and, after10 Km, there is Zagarise (total run: 50 min).

If you come from Crotone, cross the S.S. 106 and, immediately after Sellia Marina, take the right toward Uria following the road road instructions for Zagarise then.

Arriving instead from Catanzaro Lido, always by the S.S. 106, take the left direction toward Soveria Simeri; therefore follow the road indications (total run from the coast: 25 min.).

By train or aircraft: Train Station and International Airport of Lamezia Terme; then follow the suggest indications for the car.




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