The olive oil, rich of unsaturated fats, has a beneficent action on the complex metabolism of the lipids. There are numerous studies that have put the preventive role of the olive oil on the cardiovascular illness, whose badger is clearly inferior in the Countries with ample consumption.

The fat part is that more easily digestible and it is that of which the people with digestive difficulty preferably make use. The experts retain the olive oil the purest, because its unsaturated fats are similar to those contents in the maternal milk and it is very suitable in the feeding of the children. Finally, the olive oil has recommended in the treatment of different problems of the skin.


The olive oil is called Virgin, according to the European Union definition, when it is obtained without the addition of chemical substances.

It is called Extra Virgin when the content of acidity is equal or inferior to 0.8%. It is the best.

The excessive exposure to the light could damage the product, so it is better the use of dark glass bottles.


The consumption of the oil of olive allows to eliminate the toxins, it stimulates the metabolism, it favors the digestion, it has a lower badger of cholesterol. It is excellent in case of cardiovascular illness, bile problem, constipation. It favors the growth of the bones of the children.


It contains 19% of saturated fats, 76% of fat unsaturated fats and vitamin E.

Stimulation of the digestive apparatus

The essential acid fats of the olive oil have a beneficent action on the metabolism. A tbsp (15 ml) of olive oil taken every morning stimulates the intestinal functions and attenuates the problems of stomach, gastritis, swellings, burning and constipation.

Laxative Action

In case of constipation, take in the morning a tbsp (15 ml) of olive oil with juice of lemon.



The olive oil stimulates the bile function and premises of eliminate the calculuses of middle dimensions. For 14 days, in the morning and in the evening, take a tbsp (15 ml) of olive oil. Then, for other three days, take other 100 ml of it in small sips. Stay extended the body for two hours on the right side, putting hat water on the liver. This treatment must be performed under medical control because the expulsion of the calculuses could be painful.

Fall of the hair

Massage the hair leather with olive oil every evenings for eight days. Let act all night and rinse the morning.

Caduta dei capelli

Massaggiate il cuoio capelluto con olio d'oliva tutte le sere per otto giorni. Lasciate agire tutta la notte e sciacquate la mattina.

Dry Skin

The olive oil softens the skin. Apply it every days directly on the dries zones and let it penetrate massaging the same zone.

Useful counsel

For strengthening the fragile fingernails, do an application in the evening with a mixture of olive oil and juice of lemon. Wear gloves of light cotton and let act all night.

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